Medallas Germinables

Innovación ecológica para eventos con medallas que germinan.

Small green seedlings emerge from dark, moist soil in a rectangular orange container. Condensation droplets are visible on the clear covering, indicating a humid environment conducive to growth. The seedlings are at various stages, with some showing leaves while others are just beginning to sprout.
Small green seedlings emerge from dark, moist soil in a rectangular orange container. Condensation droplets are visible on the clear covering, indicating a humid environment conducive to growth. The seedlings are at various stages, with some showing leaves while others are just beginning to sprout.
Germinadores Portátiles

Nuestros germinadores portátiles son ideales para grandes eventos, permitiendo que los participantes lleven consigo un pedazo de naturaleza que pueden cultivar en casa.

Young green seedlings emerging from dark, rich soil with remnants of their seed casings attached. The plants are in a black container placed in a well-lit area.
Young green seedlings emerging from dark, rich soil with remnants of their seed casings attached. The plants are in a black container placed in a well-lit area.
Semillas Certificadas

Ofrecemos semillas certificadas que garantizan un crecimiento exitoso, promoviendo la sostenibilidad y el amor por la naturaleza en cada evento que organizamos.

Galería Ecológica

Descubre nuestras medallas germinables y germinadores portátiles únicos.

A white rectangular pot contains soil with small green seedlings freshly sprouting. The pot is placed on a grassy surface outdoors, and some dried organic matter is visible on the soil.
A white rectangular pot contains soil with small green seedlings freshly sprouting. The pot is placed on a grassy surface outdoors, and some dried organic matter is visible on the soil.
A metal pot filled with dark soil, in which numerous small green seedlings are sprouting. The seedlings are scattered across the surface, providing a vibrant contrast to the brown and black tones of the earth. The pot's rim is visible and slightly rusted, indicating outdoor use.
A metal pot filled with dark soil, in which numerous small green seedlings are sprouting. The seedlings are scattered across the surface, providing a vibrant contrast to the brown and black tones of the earth. The pot's rim is visible and slightly rusted, indicating outdoor use.
Several small green seedlings are emerging from a tray filled with soil. The tray is partitioned using a recycled egg carton, which provides space for each sprout. The setup is placed near a window, indicating a source of natural light.
Several small green seedlings are emerging from a tray filled with soil. The tray is partitioned using a recycled egg carton, which provides space for each sprout. The setup is placed near a window, indicating a source of natural light.

¡Increíbles medallas germinables! Perfectas para eventos y un excelente regalo ecológico. ¡Recomiendo totalmente su uso!

Carlos Ruiz

Several small green seedlings are emerging from black pots filled with soil, positioned on a windowsill with a soft, natural light illuminating them.
Several small green seedlings are emerging from black pots filled with soil, positioned on a windowsill with a soft, natural light illuminating them.
Small green seedlings with round leaves sprouting from dark brown soil in a black plastic pot.
Small green seedlings with round leaves sprouting from dark brown soil in a black plastic pot.
